

I'm Tonie - my hearts desire is to work with brides who are not afraid of stepping outside their comfort zone for a dance in the rain, a romp under a waterfall or a blustery day that might put wind in her hair!


3 Tips to Booking More Clients // Want My Secrets? // Seattle Wedding Photographer Tonie Christine

Mar 27, 2015

Sometimes it’s hard to believe my ears when I hear photographers say they “dread” consults with potential brides or that they are nervous and “need the booking” while trying to be confident and attempting to “sell their product”… which got me thinking last year… why do I LOVE consults and meeting with my clients? What makes me tick when I am at them? Well, for me, meeting with a potential bride is literally my FAVORITE part of the process. Sure the designing products is fun, I enjoy putting together a cute office space for me to work in, and of course I look forward to the actual shooting… but really…. my most FAVORITE part is the potential client meeting.


I love the thrill of showing a client what I have to offer and making sure we are a great fit! Last year, I had ONE experience where a client didn’t book me for their wedding, either on the spot or within 48 hours of our meeting. That ONE encounter had be feeling a bit down and made me think…. “gosh, if other people feel this sense of let down on a weekly basis… I don’t think I would like being a photographer either!” So, what I did was re-evaluate my consults, how I approach them, what I say and what I leave my clients with. Yes, just one turn down out of about 25 consults and I was in a TIZZY. Well, I am happy to report that out of my last 35  consults, 31 have booked right then and there or within 48 hours, 2 I turned away, and 2 were Skype sessions and ended up booking within 7 days. I say this not to “toot my own horn” even though I DO feel like it was a huge accomplishment this year, but because I want to encourage others out there that you CAN master the art of selling yourself, your services and choose the clients you want to work with. 🙂 I will soon be offering one on one sessions where I will dive fully into how you run your consults, what you can do to improve the process and finally show you TANGIBLE things you can change to literally book more clients. eryom.com

For now, here are three tips to better consults:

1. CONFIDENCE. Sheesh, I would think that is a given. It is so important to be confident in all aspects of YOU and your business. So, if wearing a really hip and trendy outfit (or one that really matches your brand) will give you a sense of confidence when you walk into the room or coffee shop, then do just that. Your clients will notice it.


2. SHOW SAMPLES: If you offer products to your clients like wedding albums, make sure you have tangible ones in your hands at your consults to have them feel and know the value of these products. When they see your love for the product they will in turn see the value.


3. THE WALK AWAY: Make sure your potential client (or hopefully by the end of the consult YOUR BOOKED CLIENT) walks away with something tangible in their hands from you. It can be as simple as your really elegant business card, a gift card for their next coffee visit or something like a client guide. Taking something home with them makes you memorable.

I hope these tips will help you at your next consult and if they do, let me know your story!!! I  can’t wait to work with some awesome photographers and help them up their booking’s in the future! If you are interested in a one on one session to go deeper, feel free to email me at tonie@toniechristine.com and let’s grow your business!

View More: http://janellemarina.pass.us/sitehousegoliveworkshop

3 Tips to Booking More Clients  // Want My Secrets?  // Seattle Wedding Photographer Tonie Christine



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