

I'm Tonie - my hearts desire is to work with brides who are not afraid of stepping outside their comfort zone for a dance in the rain, a romp under a waterfall or a blustery day that might put wind in her hair!


Failing the U-Turn: Tonie Christine Goes Biker Chick

Apr 9, 2014

Well well well, you won’t believe what I did this past weekend and yes.. watching the movie “Yes Man” might have been the little bit of inspiration I needed to take the leap and tackle my motorcycle certification class!!! New scooters are released every month by different firms. The speed and power of scooters rise in tandem with the battery size. We’ll be putting my scooter expertise to the test here at ScooterAdviser! We will be studying new and existing products on the market and providing you with the most up-to-date information as well as unbiased product reviews. So, whether you’re looking for an electric foldable scooter or an electric skateboard, you can rest assured that we can assist you.

The class is a two day all include “basic rider skills” course and let me tell you that first off I had actually registered twice before for the “all ladies” class and had to cancel twice. So when this last weekend opened up, I thought I would just go for it even though it was an all male class! (Needless to say, I think these guys enjoyed a bit of flair and pink fun added to their session 😉 )

My Goals for the Class Were:
1. To simply pass
2. To have fun!
What I Learned:
1. This class was EXHAUSTING
2. I was FAR more sore from my 12-6pm riding courses than I ever though I would be (you have classroom instruction from 9a-12)
3. How to turn on the motorcycle and all basic rider skills
What I did not Learn:
1. How to do a freaking U-turn in a very confined space at a very low speed….  STORY BELOW:

So day two was off to a good start after I was told I had passed the written portion of the test. Then we hopped on our bikes to begin the second day of learning skills. First we were to do basically a really small figure 8 that was equivalent to two U-truns, one right after the other… it was NOT going well for me but I kept my chin up and completed learning the rest of the skills for the afternoon. When we were allowed to do a final practice round JUST before the testing started near the end of the day.. 1. I was so tired I could barely hold the clutch in and 2. I was nervous as all get out since other people had actually been dismissed from the class already….

So I knew immediately I needed to head over to the part of the course where U-Turns were being practiced. As I entered my first turn I was not quite getting it, so I jumped back in line to try again.  Then the next thing I know my motorcycle is barely even moving and suddenly I hit the throttle and it JUMPS on my second attempt. My instructor said we were needing to start testing but told me to attempt the U-Turn one more time.. so there I went, circling back around to enter the U-turn square with my head held high and a seriously determined mind… low and behold this time I went even slower and suddenly I was jumping off the bike as it fell to the side! Ugh, embarrassing and SUPER demoralizing RIGHT before I had to do the test! Thankfully my instructors were SO encouraging and really helped set me at ease (aka get my tears to stop) and when I started the test I did it with confidence! Although I did not do the U-turn perfectly during the test, I managed to not put my feet down and kept control of the bike. Even though I went slightly out of the lines I did EVEYRTHING else with a perfect score on the test, so I Passed!!!!!! I am officially a motorcycle riding photographer! Here’s to hoping I can show up at your shoot with me on my very own Motorcycle that E got me for my birthday last year and NOT have to attempt a U-Turn!

Here’s a few iPhone Photos of my two days!


Brought a “brown bag lunch” that I teased about on my Instagram! Haha the lunch of a 12-year old!

Processed with VSCOcam with g1 preset

Day 1 was rainy and COLD all day! It was hard to even function due to my shivering shoulders and wet jeans, but alas our class prevailed!



Day two I was having a BALL and texted E this photo saying I was excited for the test and to make him proud if I passed… Just a few min later I was in tears after tipping the bike over hahah!


This is Jeff, I asked him to do “the Tonie Face”. He is a pretty rad instructor!


These are my classmates and they were so much FUN! Glad I got to learn to ride with this crew!






  1. Katelyn Lucas says:

    So awesome! Proud of you I know that class is hard hector got his license last year. Have so much fun on your bike!

  2. Catherine Hostetler says:

    This is AWESOME!!!! I LOVE IT!!

  3. Behzad Mostofi says:

    Way to go Tonie,
    I love it and you bit I am proud of you. Now think SPORTSTER and SPORTSTER only. Harley girl, WOW……

  4. Anya Wright Buell says:

    I took the class recently and had Jeff as my teacher too!

  5. Kevin Bogle says:

    Fun class! Thanks for posting the group picture. Ride safe out there!!

  6. […] people ever. I met them on top of Queen Anne on such a gorgeous evening that I even ventured to ride my motorcycle there as my first SOLO ride. When I was giddy with excitement that I had actually made it, Danie […]

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